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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Difficulty of Documentaries

 Documentaries has always been something that interests me.  I feel like there are lots of ways to conduct documentaries and so many topics to explore, that it can be a fun and every educational experience.  Often times though, I feel like documentaries can be very difficult to nail.  In the case of the Asian Americans Documentary for class, the biggest problem here is the time allowed for the series. The five hours of this series just does not seem like enough for a documentary covering Asian American history.  The titles strongly implies that this is a series discussing the vast history of the culture, but it just doesn't seem to have hit the target.  I can't speak beyond the two episodes we were assigned for class, but it seem to only focus on a few things, specifically only Japanese and Chinese Americans, which leaves out so much history and stories.   I want to attempt draw comparison from this documentary to a different documentary.  I recently finished a documentary call

Western Culture Impacts Eastern Culture and Eastern Culture Impacts Western Culture

 Last term I took FIST 402 and K-Pop was something that if I remember correctly we lightly touched on, so I am glad we got to spend more time on it this week.  I am honestly not sure what my opinions are of K-Pop.  I think that all songs that I have listened to are catchy, but it isn't really something I am interested in.  I know many people that are interested in the genre, and I can understand the appeal, but it just maybe isn't for me.  I am by no means saying it is terrible, I do think it is good, I'm just not the audience for it.   I feel like every single year K-pop along with other mediums of entertainment have only gotten more popular.  K-pop as evolved so much that I find it interesting to compare a boy band like One Direction to that of BTS.  I think the mass popularity of K-pop is said best in Yoon's article when he says, “Media studies scholars have recently defined the phenomenal rise of K-pop as ‘a way to counter the threat of the Western-dominated media m

Flashbacks to Middle School: PEN15

 PEN15 was easily the most cringe piece of media I have seen all term.  This is, however, not the fault of the show.  When watching a show about people developing in middle school, you can't help but think back to your own middle school experience.  Middle school in general is just a pretty horrible awkward time for most people, I can't think of a person I know who genuinely enjoyed middle school.  I for one absolutely can't stand thinking about my experience at that age.  But that is simply just middle school, and that age is just a supremely awkward time.  Nonetheless, PEN15 does a decent job of exploring just how award and rough middle school can be.   The show did a number of things especially well.  One thing that I enjoyed was the use of music throughout the show.  I thought the music added an extra layer of comedy that helped the show.  I also thought the relationship between Maya and her family, or more specifically Maya's character as a whole was really interes