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The Only Alarm You Might Not Want To Snooze: Love Alarm

 I was immediately interested to this show due solely to the fact that it involves a modern smart phone.  I feel like I haven't seen a movie that is able to successfully a gimmick phone plot and have it be good.  One recent example I can think of is a horror movie called Countdown in 2019.  Basically the plot was if you downloaded this app that told you when you were gunna die it was now completely unavabible and 100% to happen at that exact time.  Horror movies and this romance show are completely different, but what I am saying is that I am excited to see if a show is able to execute an interesting plot without it being too cheesy or anything.  In the end, I am glad to say that I liked the show and how it was able to use its smart phone plot for it.

The opening of the show was very good a showing just how big Love Alarm is, to the point where it is just ruling over their heads through the medium of clouds.  It would seem that everyone's lives is just completely dominated by this app.  Despite the popularity, it almost seems like not everyone has found love at all.  I couldn't help but compare Love Alarm to a modern ay app like Tinder and its effectiveness. Despite a large amount of people who actually are trying to find love through tinder,  there is an audience of people who only use it to browse people and don't actually plan on using it for love.  I wonder how something like that would transfer into the world of Love Alarm.  What percentage of people are actually using it compared to people who are just maybe looking for an ego boost.  I think in the end, the show is trying to show us how infectious media platforms like Love Alarm can be.

Poster for Love Alarm


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