It's been a bit of a long week so I'm using the title as a joke to get a laugh out of some people. As a bonus the title relates to the post too. I really enjoyed analyzing Daughters of the Dust and discussing Dash's may ways a defying Hollywood traditions. I mostly enjoyed this through her sue of cinematography. In most Hollywood films the way the story movies along via dialogue between characters, but in Daughters of the Dust this story telling is don't through largely the cinematography. In Hollywood most cinematography are beautiful shots of some event that's happening and those shots are frequent in a movie. Many of the shots include the main characters. In Daughters of the Dusk, cinematography of the amazing landscape is put over dialoged to establish the world and tell the story. It almost feels as if the camera is the main character and the cast are the4 supporting roles. (This is why its an Uno Reverse Card). This makes...
A blog so I can achieve maximum grading potential in my wonderful film classes. IHRTLUHC