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Showing posts from April, 2021

[FIST 100] Uno Reverse Card: Daughters of the Dust

 It's been a bit of a long week so I'm using the title as a joke to get a laugh out of some people.  As a bonus the title relates to the post too. I really enjoyed analyzing Daughters of the Dust and discussing Dash's may ways a defying Hollywood traditions.  I mostly enjoyed this through her sue of cinematography.  In most Hollywood films the way the story movies along via dialogue between characters, but in Daughters of the Dust this story telling is don't through largely the cinematography.  In Hollywood most cinematography are beautiful shots of some event that's happening and those shots are frequent in a movie.  Many of the shots include the main characters.  In Daughters of the Dusk, cinematography of the amazing landscape is put over dialoged to establish the world and tell the story.  It almost feels as if the camera is the main character and the cast are the4 supporting roles.  (This is why its an Uno Reverse Card).  This makes the movie rely more on cinem

[FIST 325] Shot On iPhone: Tangerine

 I'm not really sure I have too much to say about this film so this might be a short blog post.  I think one thing I really appreciate about this film is the production and that it was shot on phones.  It gives it a sort of documentary feel but also feels genuine at the same time.  With documentaries there's always the problem of people acting differently with a camera facing them.  That obviously doesn't happen here because it is scripted so it seemed genuine since you get the feeling that your just tagging along for the ride..  I also really enjoyed how much the soundtrack was able to contribute to this film. I felt that this film had a weird sense of character development and how it draws the viewer in.  Since the viewer seems to be following the girl on their journey its easy to get connected with them and get interested in their story and root for them.  It seems weird that these girls or going for Chester after he doesn't seem that great.  You root against them an

[FIST 100] Difference in Documentaries: Reassemblage

 Especially as of late, documentaries have been of great interest to me.  I very much enjoy learning about new things that I would have never taken the time to look up on the internet.  I think something I would love to be apart of at some point in my life is being involved in the production of a documentary.  Besides that, every time I watch a documentary I always feel somewhat unsatisfied at the end because I feel like there is always something that the documentary missed or some way to make it better.  I also sometimes feel like documentaries sacrifice accuracy for entertainment.  Despite this complaint, there is an audience that must be met and this is the mainstream.  It is for this reason I was so interested in Reassemblage.   Like most people in this class, I was expecting Reassemblage to be a pretty standard documentary.  This expectation was obviously not met and instead met with what appeared to be boring.  Reassemblage at moments can be a very difficult watch in the sense th

[FIST 325] Understanding Queer Culture: Paris is Burning

 One of the reasons I took this class on top of exposing myself to types of film I've never seen before is to learn more about these cultures and communities.  The film for this week Paris is Burning  was a documentary that was abele to help not only understand the queer culture better but also learn more of the troubles that surround it.   This film to my understanding is one of the first films to really highlight the culture and educate the viewer on this unique thing that happens in New York.  Yes there are some definite controversies surrounding this film especially in Bell Hooks writings.  Since then as television and media as a whole has grown there have been some more mainstream pieces of media showcasing the queer culture.   There is a positive aspect to this in the sense that it can educate people about the culture.  I for one am not too educated on this type of culture which is why I took the class, and watching this film, reading the assigned readings, and listening to t

[FIST 325] Bad Hair - Pelo Malo

Pelo Malo is an interesting look into the world of Venezuelan culture.  I think that the use of Junior's hair as the plot point through throughout the film is an interesting way to explore his culture but also what Junior wants to be.  Junior tries many different ways to straiten his hair much to his mother's disapproval and this creates lots of tension within the Junior and his mother.  The thing I want to discuss in this blog is how that tension was used in the film.  The movie itself can be hard to watch at times because you feel bad for junior unable to find the support he wants and the hostility between him and his mother adds to this.  But there are also times in the film where these moments of tensions can create some beautify done scenes.  The scene I want to use as an example is the scene we watched in class where junior cuts his hair.  This is obviously a very hostile moment between Junior and his mother and this is evident in the stares they give each other.  Particu

[FIST 100] Black and White Movies - Psycho (1960)

 I actually having seen Alfred Hitchcock that I can think of so this movie was a first of his for me.  I'm also not particularly a huge horror person and knowing this was an older movie I wasn't really sure what to expect.  I thought the movie was good but there are two particular things I enjoyed about the film. Firstly, I really enjoyed the black and white filter.  I really wish black and white filters were used more often that they are because I feel like the filter completely changes the way the movie is seen.  Another movie I recently saw in black and white was The Lighthouse (2019).  With movies like that I cannot imagine what it would have been like in color.  The black and white filter sets a specific tone and the directors that use it know how to use it and how they want to use it.  I also feel like it isn't used very often because the average media consumer might now like the artsy ascetic of black and white so Hollywood films need to appeal to more people, but no

FIST100 & FIST325: Introduction

 Hello everyone, my name is Davis Wukovits and I am a Sophomore currently living on campus.  I have been in Appleton for quite some time due to COVID-19 making Appleton the fourth place I lived.  I was born in California then moved to Georgia and my family currently lives in South Carolina.  I came to Lawrence because I have the unpopular opinion of enjoying cold weather and I love being here.  I also have an older brother, a twin brother, and two wonderful dogs.  At Lawrence I am a film major and a potential history minor.   In my life I have two major hobbies which are film and swimming.  I have always enjoyed movies and film production in general but it really came to be in High School when I was in a broadcast journalism production class.   I spent most my time in the editing lab in this class and with the combo of me and my best friends we were able to lead the class to place second in the entire nation for broadcast journalism shows at the High School level.  Ever since then I ha